Friday, November 15, 2013

App Development Startups and Application Monitoring Software

More and more business startups are turning to the world of app development due to their ever-growing popularity. Cloud computing technologies, for a lot of startups, make this possible, but they don't provide enough close monitoring and reporting to give developers enough peace of mind. Application performance monitoring tools, on the other hand, fit right into a management strategy and don't leave developers with the worry that they're going to lose all their hard work. In fact, in this situation, application monitoring tools have many benefits to offer.

Reduced Launch Time
In order for app development startups to hit the ground running, they need to be able to reach their broader target demographics as quickly as possible. Application monitoring software makes it easier to launch a product into its market rapidly by eliminating the need for in-house integration, which is extremely time-consuming and often confusing. Reduced launch time, for a startup, means better competitive positioning.

Potential for Third-Party Monitoring
Some types of application monitoring software allow for the possibility of third-party monitoring as opposed to the traditional in-house solution. The third-party monitoring solution allows the team to keep track of an applications performance, provider outages, computational errors, and the like. This helps the developers to be more on-top of app functioning so that they can provide the service they promise to provide, whether they promise fast speeds, low computing power, or any other number of things.

Application monitoring solutions, when purchased as "software as a service," has been shown to help cut costs by up to 60% per year. This is because problems are getting fixed more quickly, reducing profit loss; apps are getting launched more quickly, lengthening the amount of time they're on the market; and a number of other factors. Since keeping overheads as low as possible is the most important way to remain competitive (and successful) as a startup, this is a huge benefit for any company. Those thousands of dollars saved could go to making app improvements, working on the next version, or executing new ideas.